Abi Coop

Melissa Richard

Kristen Ryan

the hack into hashtags | by Amanda Myers

  1. Kelly says:

    Oh my I’m laughing out loud reading this because I can relate so much. Thank you for being real and starting my day off with some giggles

    • Amanda says:

      Thank you for reading, Kelly! It’s such a relief and comfort to hear that my story is relatable. It’s so easy to feel isolated, like "am I the only one?"

  2. Catherine Armstrong says:

    Love you Amanda! I said to my husband the other day, my days of dressing my 3 year old in cute coordinating outfits are limited!!! I’m trying to make the most of it while I can lol

    • Amanda says:

      Aw, Catherine! Love you too, lady! So, my mom and sometimes hubs buys all the kids’ clothes….I don’t know how that happened, but I don’t like it! Well, I do love that my mom buys them clothes, ha ha, but sometimes they’re not the most photogenic, if ya know what I mean. I begged my hubs to stop buying neon colored clothes because that’s all they’ll wear!!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Loved loved your story Amanda! Thanks for keepin’ it real…

  4. Your words reassured me so much! I’ve been struggling with these same feelings and I’m so glad to hear someone voice what you just did! Thank you!!

  5. Amanda Myers says:

    Whoa, how crazy to see this in print! Thank you big time to Megan, Melissa and Holly. Y’all are fabulous! When I see the way y’all work together so seamlessly and how amazing the finished product is…I’ve been contemplating not doing all of this alone myself. Thank you so much, it’s such an honor to share a little bit with this incredible community!

  6. Love you Amanda! This is great and I love your honesty.

  7. toni margolis says:

    so very fun amanda! ✨ super excited for you and very proud to be a hub-hacker!!!💜

  8. Iris Nelson says:

    I love your honesty, Amanda. I like editing my images the way I feel them, so my style is inconsistent. And I think that is totally okay.

  9. Charis K says:

    seriously your last paragraph wants me to give you a standing ovation – I’m begging over again in a new are. But because of the pressure to find my style, edit all etc…I have killed my passion and I want to get it back!

  10. Stephanie says:

    I love this article! It really hits home with me. I feel the older I’m getting the more I don’t care about what other people think and I will do what I want. If I want to edit a different way one day, who says I can’t! I felt myself losing my love for photography because I didn’t have the awesome house, or my kids weren’t dressed in cute outfits everyday or I didn’t have a beautiful golden backlit photo. All of these things were killing my passion and drive. Then I realized this was crazy and I will shoot what speaks to me. Some people may like it and some people may not, but it’s what moves me that matters. This is our story and everybody has a different story to tell. Thanks so much for your honesty. It’s really refreshing!

  11. Eleanor says:

    Wow! I just love this article! I really want to take each paragraph and stick it to my wall as daily remainders! Thank you!!

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