Abi Coop
Melissa Richard
Kristen Ryan
Hello fellow storytellers, dreamers and creators! Creativity comes in so many shapes and forms, have you ever stopped and wondered how many different ways we can photograph one single word or object. As pancake Tuesday was approaching in February, we felt our mouth water as we picked the topic: Hello Storyteller Traveling Project – Pancakes
The discussions quickly rose around the topic of pancakes, who knew there was such a wide topic to discuss. Even our locations around the world meant that pancakes and crepes can be the same. Some buy ready made in a shop, others buy a ready mix and when making your own, do you use buttermilk or milk?
In our family we love pancakes, any kind of pancake. We love them with fruit, jam, bacon, maple syrup and sometimes we also add whipped cream. We eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner or desert.
How do you like your pancakes? We would love to hear more about how you like them and share some storytelling images on our Facebook page or on Instagram using the hashtag #hellostoryteller
In the meantime, I would love to share some of the fun and creative images captured by our Hello Creative members.
These are all so so beautiful!